
Please help the Blue Star Mothers to send a care package to a deployed service member who is lonely or homesick. Feed homeless veterans a special home cooked meal. Say, “We’ve got this” to a military family who cannot afford Christmas for the kids. When you donate to Blue Star Mothers of the Midlands you become a part of our mission to support South Carolina’s Service Men and Women, Active and Veteran and their families, when they need it most.

If you wish to mail your donation:
The Palmetto Patriots’ Ball
c/o The Blue Star Mothers
Contact: Kaye Smith
Post Office Box 2364
Lexington, SC 29071
Phone: 803-609-8271

Select an Amount


    A Salute to South Carolina Patriots

    Date: Saturday, May 20, 2023
    Location: NCO Club Fort Jackson
    5700 Lee Rd Columbia, SC, 29207
    You must provide valid SC REAL-ID for admittance onto base

  • Make a Donation

    Please help the Blue Star Mothers to send a care package to a deployed service member who is lonely or homesick. Feed homeless veterans a special home cooked meal. Say, “We’ve got this” to a military family who cannot afford Christmas for the kids. When you donate to Blue Star Mothers of the Midlands you become a part of our mission to support South Carolina’s Service Men and Women, Active and Veteran and their families, when they need it most.

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    Purchase tickets to the 11th Annual Palmetto Patriots’ Ball
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